Donation FAQ
Donating within U.S.A.
Our direct support 501(c)3, “Friends of Vallarta Botanical Gardens, A.C.” issues tax-deductible receipts.
Checks may be mailed to:
Friends of Vallarta Botanical Gardens, A.C.
Kim Roberts, Treasurer
1 Glen Drive
Mill Valley CA, 94941
United States
Wire transfers / direct deposits can be sent to:
Wire transfers:
Bank: Chase
Credit Card Payments:
Call us w/ your card info: +52 322 223 6182

Donating within Canada
Our educational programs qualify for tax-deductible receipts provided by The Canadian Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation (CCSHF)
Cheques may be mailed to:
Canadian Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation
87 Lavinia Ave
Toronto, ON,
M6S 3H9
Please write “VBG” for “Vallarta Botanical Gardens” on your cheques.
If you are a Canadian citizen wishing to make a tax deductible gift to the “Vallarta Botanical Gardens Fund,” Follow this link.