Conservation Land Acquisition Program
Conservation has always been at the heart of what we do at the Vallarta Botanical Garden. For the past several years, we have been purchasing parcels of conservation land that adjoin our main site, thanks to the generous donations of some of our members and benefactors. These land purchases are not intended for an expansion of the Garden, but are a buffer zone that will forever remain in its pristine state for wildlife and not open to the public.
We have installed camera traps to photograph the wildlife living in these areas, and are overjoyed with the surprising results. We have also hosted scientific surveys to document the plants and other creatures living in these areas. For example, a floristic study in 2010 discovered over 50 species of native orchids within a 4 km radius of the Garden, attesting to this area’s rich biodiversity, which must be preserved.
In 2020, the Garden purchased 87 forested hectares, where an Ocelot Sancturary has been established. These lands host an amazing array of other local wildlife, including jaguars, otters and macaws.
These land purchases will provide a safehaven for thousands of animals and plants, secure from the incursion of civilization, and allow these creatures to live their lives in the manner nature intended for them.
Any donation that you can make to the Garden’s conservation land purchase fund will be greatly appreciated and will benefit many creatures and their offspring.
Tax Information
The Vallarta Botanical Garden can provide tax-deductible receipts for donations made by Canadian and US taxpayers.
We are a registered charity (Asociación Civil) in Mexico.
Donating within Mexico
Cash, check and credit card donations are accepted at the Vallarta Botanical Garden. Please visit us!
Donating by Credit Card
Credit card payments may be made by phone: 322 223 6182 (10am – 6pm, closed Mondays over the summer)
Donating by Bank Deposit
Direct bank deposits can be made to: Banorte account # 0201383728 (account name: Vallarta Botanical Gardens A.C.)
Vallarta Botanical Gardens AC is a not-for-profit organization registered in Mexico. The VBG is not a “Donataria Autorizada” and therefore cannot expedite a tax-deductible receipt in Mexico.
Donating within Mexico
Cash, check and credit card donations are accepted at the Vallarta Botanical Garden. Please visit us!
Donating by Credit Card
Credit card payments may be made by phone: 322 223 6182 (10am – 6pm, closed Mondays over the summer).
Donating by Bank Deposit
Direct bank deposits can be made to: Banorte account # 0201383728 (account name: Vallarta Botanical Gardens A.C.)
Vallarta Botanical Gardens AC is a not-for-profit organization registered in Mexico. The VBG is not a “Donataria Autorizada” and therefore cannot expedite a tax-deductible receipt in Mexico.
Donating within Canada
Our educational programs qualify for tax-deductible receipts provided by the Canadian Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation (CCSHF), our partner T3010 registered charity. Your donations to Vallarta Botanical Garden via CCSHF are, therefore, tax-deductible.
Donating Online
You can donate online by following this link
Donating by Cheque
Please mail your cheques to:
Canadian Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation, 87 Lavinia Ave, Unit #2, Toronto, Ontario M6S 3H9, Canada
Please write your cheques to “Canadian Children’s Shelter of Hope Foundation”, indicating in a covering note that the donation is for the Vallarta Botanical Garden.
Donating by Wire Transfer
Please use the information below for wire transfers, which are in USD:
Bank: Bank of Montreal
Account number: 03794602355
Transit Number: 03792
Institution Number: 001
Thank you for donating to the Vallarta Botanical Garden and for helping to guarantee horticultural excellence and protecion of our region’s biodiversity.
Donating within the U.S.A.
Our direct support 501(c)3 partner charity in the USA is “Friends of Vallarta Botanical Garden, A.C.”, which takes donations and issues tax-deductible receipts on our behalf.
Donating Online
You can donate online by following this link
Donating by Check
Please make out checks to “Friends of Vallarta Botanical Garden A.C.” and mail to:
Kim Roberts, Treasurer,
1 Glen Drive
Mill Valley CA, 94941
United States
Donating by Wire Transfer
If you would like to donate by wire transfer, please get in touch with Chris Jacobs, Head of Development & Fundraising, by email at or by phone on +52 322 223 6182. Chris will be happy to help!
Donating by Credit Card
Please call us to donate by card on +52 322 223 6182. Ask for Chris Jacobs.
Thank you for donating to the Vallarta Botanical Garden and for helping to guarantee horticultural excellence and protecion of our region’s biodiversity.