Strategic Plan
Continue consolidating the most important Botanical Garden in Mexico for the exhibition, propagation, study, discovery, and conservation of native Mexican plants, for the enjoyment of residents and our foreign visitors.
Build on our history of more than 19 years of work as an environmental organization, to promote a sustainable Mexico, through the protection of the region’s ecosystems and raising awareness of the problems that biodiversity faces in the face of urbanization and habitat degradation.
I. Conservation of ecosystems and habitat of species in the region
A. Protected Areas of the Garden: Los Horcones River / Ocelot Sanctuary / “Los Chonchos” Wild Bird Reserve. The Los Horcones River Basin is fundamental for the life cycle of the ecosystems of Banderas Bay. We continue to take care of a natural reserve of more than 120 hectares in the basin, of which 32 have been certified as a Protected Natural Area.
B. In the different sanctuaries of the Vallarta Botanical Garden, flora documentation and wildlife monitoring are carried out through camera traps and through projects such as the installation of artificial nests for the native Military Macaws (Ara militaris).
C. Ex situ collections. Documentation, maintenance, and registration of the Botanical Garden’s living collections, in accordance with international standards. Look for BGCI, ArbNet II and AMJB certifications.
D. Propagation of priority species through the creation of an in vitro orchid culture laboratory and the consolidation of a state-of-the-art greenhouse. The Botanical Garden reinforces its infrastructure to carry out the propagation and sustainable management of a great diversity of ornamental and native plants, to strengthen meta-collections and exchanges with other institutions.
II. Education
A. Improve the effectiveness of the overall school visiting program that serves most visiting classrooms by more directly supporting science and history curriculum objectives.
B. Improve science education through focused programs that provide direct support to teachers to implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in Title I schools.
C. Further establish the Botanical Garden as an important educational resource to enhance life sciences education.
D. Create multicultural interpretive programs for historical figures and the broader landscape that share the stories and contributions of localities that have participated in the history of the region.
E. Expand library services to support the Garden’s positioning as a leading resource for plant information, the preservation of the different ecosystems in the Mexican Nation and facilitate its consultation through the construction of a special area for the library, ideal for readers and researchers.
III. Research
A. Plan lines of research that reinforce conservation projects for Protected Natural Areas.
B. Provide technical support for accreditations and requirements for the management and use of plant resources in the Botanical Garden in accordance with current regulations.
C. Generate biodiversity information to promote conservation, exhibition, interpretation, and public awareness.
IV. Visitor experience
A. Guarantee the best standards in attention, accessibility, hospitality, and comfort to our clients, as well as a correct display of the regulations, services and informative signage to enjoy a complete, pleasant and unforgettable experience.
B. Maintain the best horticultural standards for the proper display and landscape enjoyment of our native and ornamental plant collections.
V. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
A. Serve the diverse communities of the municipality of Cabo Corrientes and Puerto Vallarta by increasing the use and enjoyment of our landscape and programs and taking advantage of the high levels of diversity already achieved.
B. Build an organizational culture and team that affirms, reflects, and celebrates the exceptional diversity and richness of the communities we serve.
C. Publicly communicate our commitment and celebrate our progress.
D. Communications and marketing.
E. Celebrate each anniversary of the Garden to communicate our historic and continuing contributions to the quality of life for everyone in the region.
VI. Membership
Achieve significant growth in membership, both through recruitment and retention, to build community and improve support.
VII. Development
A. Continue to invest in the growth of a planned and formalized giving program to secure new commitments for the future in our Garden.
B. Achieve continued growth in fundraising by inspiring the community of members, visitors, and the board of directors to participate more deeply in the mission of the organization.
VIII. Earned income
Develop earned income programs to support mission and vision.
IX. Governance and development of the board of directors
A. Continually improve the board, governance, and support structures.
B. Work with the executive director to intentionally grow the Civil Association.
X. Human resources
A. Recruit, retain and develop a team of outstanding personnel to accomplish the mission.
B. Create a professional development program that encourages and supports staff in developing skills and knowledge.
C. Continue to improve volunteer recruitment, education, and retention efforts to increase support for visitors and other areas of critical need.
XI. Facilities and Infrastructure
A. Work with the board of directors and government modules inclined to support institutions of this nature to develop a 5-year plan for capital investment in infrastructure and facilities.
B. Develop a long- and short-term master plan to guide and organize future facilities and landscape development, to be even more attractive and valuable to the visitor.